Black and Wizardly Blog Charmed Critiques Shining Stars: Black Characters in Harry Potter You Need to Know
Charmed Critiques

Shining Stars: Black Characters in Harry Potter You Need to Know

1. Angelina Johnson – Played by Tiana Benjamin (Goblet Of Fire, OTP)    and Danielle Tabor (Sorcerer Stone, Chamber of Secrets, Prisoner of Azkaban)

Angelina is a true Gryffindor Star! Not only is she a skilled Chaser on the Quidditch team, but she also becomes the captain of the Gryffindor team in her sixth year. She’s a fierce competitor and a great leader, always pushing her teammates to be their best. Plus, she’s got a killer smile that can light up any room!

2. Dean Thomas – Played by Alfred Enoch.

This talented Gryffindor is not only a great artist, but also a brave member of Dumbledore’s Army. He’s always willing to stand up for what’s right, even when it’s difficult or dangerous. He was an easy going guy that pretty much got along with everyone and is always ready with a joke to lighten the mood.

3. Blaise Zabini –  Played by Louis Cordice. 

Described as a good looking Slytherin student,  He is known for being handsome, vain and reserved. His mother is beautiful and rich so it this adds to his arrogance. He doesn’t like muggles or people he considers blood traitors.  Blaise is quite skilled in Potions and flying, he became a Chaser for the Slytherin Quidditch team.

4. Kingsley Shacklebolt – Played by George William Harris.

This high-ranking member of the Ministry of Magic is a true hero in the fight against Voldemort and his Death Eaters. He was an Original member of the Order of the Phenix.  He’s courageous, smart, and always willing to do what it takes to protect his fellow wizards and witches. Plus, he’s got a great sense of style – have you seen his amazing bowler hat.

5. Lee Jordan –  Played Luke Youngblood.

If you’re looking for someone to make you laugh, look no further than Lee Jordan! This Gryffindor was an entertaining commentator for the quidditch games, who always has a clever quip or two up his sleeve. He’s a loyal friend to the twins Fred and George. After Hogwarts, he hosted a radio show, Potterwatch, in order to inform and encourage  during the second Wizarding War.

6. Leta Lestrange –  Played by Zoe Kravitz.

Is a complex Slytherin has a troubled past and a mysterious connection to the villainous Grindelwald. But there’s a lot  more to her than meets the eye – She born into one of the well known pure blood families and is the half sister of Yusuf.  she’s smart, talented, and has a good heart. In my opinion she definitely could easily be considered the best dressed out of all the  characters in the Cinematic series.

7. Yusuf Kama – Played by William Nadylam.

This French wizard is a force to be reckoned with!  He’s is skilled in every thing from nonverbal magic to defense of the dark arts. He’s seeking revenge against those who we’re responsible for the death of his family, and he won’t stop until he gets it. He is the half brother of Leta Lestrange But he’s not just a one-note character – he’s also brave, determined, and fiercely loyal to those he cares about.

8. Eulalie ‘Lally’ Hicks -Played by Jessica Williams.

This American witch is a real firecracker! She is a charms  professor at Ilvermorny and from from NYC.  She’s tasked with helping tracking down Grindelwald, and she’s not afraid to use her magical skills to get the job done. My girl is skilled in everything from charms to dueling, and she did a little non verbal magic too. She’s also got a great sense of humor and a contagious energy that can light up any room.

9. Bem- Played by Ekow Quartey.

He maybe considered a minor character in the Harry Potter movie series because, He appears briefly in the fourth film, Harry Potter and The Prisoner of Aakaban. The few lines he delivered ,where he warns Harry and his friends about the dangerous omen that appears in Harry’s cup are stand out to every fan. Not much is known about  Bem other than He’s  a Hogwarts student, thats sorted into Gyrfinndor. I do know he is in the same year as Harry and the gang.

10. Honorable mention Lavender Brown.

Although Lavender wasn’t portrayed as black in the latter part of the movie series she was in one of the previous movies. In  Prisoner of Azkaban lavender was played by Actress Jennifer Smith.  Lavender was a Gryffindor that didn’t shy away from showing her emotions. Some  might call her a bit of a drama queen, but she’s also fiercely loyal to her friends. She had a passion for Divination and a knack for predicting the future, which can come in handy when you least expect it. She seemed like she would be a good person to have fun and party with… when she wasn’t obsessing over her Won Won.

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